dinsdag 28 april 2015

5 ways to give your little kids` room an islamic touch!

When I was pregnant with Mr. Blueberry I was looking for ways to decorate his room and at the same time bring an islamic touch to it. I believe the foundations of faith are laid in early childhood and we, as parents, need to start educating our children about Allah and our deen from the very beginning. The most important thing you can teach your child early on is to love Allah and His Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him). Let them get to know Allah and His Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him) in a *fun* way. Make Islam a part of their daily life and one of the ways you can do this early on is by *visualizing* Islam in your house and in their room. Instead of decorating the walls in your little one`s nursery with Disney figures, choose for a pretty picture of a mosque. Or of the Ka`ba. 

Here are 5 ideas to give that islamic touch to your kids` room. Some are cheap and you can easily make them yourself while others can be custom designed to your taste. 

1. Islamic posters

Mr. Blueberry has 2 posters in his room: one with the five pillars of Islam and one with the saying *Allah created... Everything.* To make them even more playful I made some frames around the posters with washi tape. I ordered these posters online from this store.

2. Islamic frames

You can find cheap and colorful frames at Ikea, that`s where I got mine. I downloaded these cute islamic symbols from Style Islam. Both combined make this lovely wall art!

3. Child Protection Dua

Little Wings Gallery has amazing Islamic wall art and designs. You can have a frame custom made with the name of your little one and the dua for the protection of a child.

4. Arabic wall stickers 

I love the work from Simply Impressions. You could have your child`s name written in Arabic as a wall sticker.

5. Islamic wall stickers

Or you could choose one of their beautiful designs for children. This would brighten up any room, maa shaa Allah.

In shaa Allah, this post serves as an inspiration! Did you add some islamic deco to your little one`s room? What would you add to this list of ideas?

maandag 27 april 2015

Crafts for babies and toddlers: Activity box

After my son was born there was one very special gift I received. (May Allah reward and bless the sister who gave it to us.) It was completely handmade and Mr. Blueberry and I have enjoyed this gift on many occasions. So much so, that when a friend of mine gave birth to her first child, I wanted to pay it forward and made a similar gift for her and her son. I think it`s the perfect gift for a new mother and her little bundle of joy... 

It`s a little box filled with cards. 50 to be precise. Each card has an activity written on it: something you can do with your baby to help develop his skills, help bond or just so you can have fun together. Because let`s be honest: after feeding, burping, diaper changing, ... your baby: what do you do with a baby? Well, there`s loads of fun to be had and this little box serves as a great inspiration! 

Would you like to make your own box or have a friend who is going to be a first time mom and you want to give her something original? Here`s how you make it! 

The paper box: 
* 2 square pieces of paper in a color you prefer
* A pen
* Stickers, glitter, ... anything you`ld like to use to decorate your box with 

The box looks sophisticated, but it is actually made in 5 minutes. Here`s a very good tutorial on how to fold this box. (Time to practice your origami skills!) 

Finish the box by writing on top *50 things to do with... (Enter baby`s name here.)* or anything similar. Decorate the box if you like! 

The cards: 
* 50 activities written on little cards. 

I compiled 50 ideas: some I made up myself, some I took from the gift I`ve gotten myself and some I took from this website. I made a Word document with all of these activities, printed them and cut them into little cards.

To give you some ideas, these are some of the activities I included: 

Create a baby obstacle course. Once your wee one is on the move, line up some kitchen chairs with a blanket over top and encourage your baby to crawl through (you could go first, or roll a ball or toy through). Put some pillows on the ground for your wee one to crawl over. Use a chair or an ottoman as an obstacle your wee one has to go around.

The story of his/her name. What does your baby`s name mean? Where does it come from? Who chose the name? Is there a Prophet or one of the sahaba who has the same name: tell your wee one about him/her!

Get touchy-feely. Keep a box of different-textured fabrics: silk, terrycloth, wool and linen. Gently rub the cloths on your baby`s cheek, feet and tummy, describing the way each feels.

If you don`t have the time to compile 50 new ideas, you can contact me and I can send you the Word-document with all of the activities. 

Have fun! :-)

zaterdag 25 april 2015

Seasons of Life

Spring is in the air. At least in Europe it is. Right before I left Belgium daffodils in gardens and on street corners were starting to pop up and the freezing wind made way for a much softer breeze. Although in Qatar there is not much spring to be felt -we are just transitioning from *normal* summer to *hot summer*-, I am reminded of spring when I look at my son. Everything about him is *new* and *fresh*, like a little daffodil slowly emerging from the dirt. Innocently discovering this world that is still so new and fascinating to him.

For some time after he was born though I felt like I, on the other hand, was emerged in winter. I felt like everything about my life was frozen. Everything had slowed and stopped in time. *Is this my life from now on?* I would ask my scared reflection in the mirror. Days would consist of being stuck on the couch for hours on end with a nursing baby, diaper changes and failed attempts at trying to take a shower. Nights existed of more nursing, not enough sleep and wet PJ`s. Days and nights were so similar I would lose track of what actual day it was. It all became a blur. And I feared it would never end. It really felt like it would never end. 

But somehow it did. The snow melted. Gradually my life got defrosted and things starting moving again. There would be less nursing, more sleep, less diaper changes, although still the occasional wet PJ. Gradually there would be time again to do the stuff I did before my son was born: read a book, crochet.
The sun would no longer keep hiding behind the clouds and little daffodils started to emerge. But spring is unpredictable. Especially in Europe. There can still be hail, rain, even freezing temperatures are not uncommon. Some aspects of my life still remain *frozen*. 

Being a new (stay at home) mom in a foreign country means there is very little social contact. Especially after 2 of my dear friends left the country, there is hardly any adult interaction to be had. It is lonely.

And so I should *do* something, right? That`s what people during my visit a few weeks ago kept asking: *What are you going to do now?*, *Are you going to work now?*, *Are you having a second baby soon?* I understand where those questions are coming from. In the first months of being a mom I sometimes desperately wanted to climb into a time machine and get teleported to 2020. Or any later date. When my son will be going to school, won`t nurse anymore, sleep through the night, be able to communicate and tell me what is bothering him. When I would do all the things I can`t do now: get back to work, maybe study, continue traveling, have a social life again. I would desperately wait for summer to begin.

But a few weeks ago when I was watching those daffodils and I looked at my son and how he mastered a new skill, I realized this season will pass sooner than I actually wish it would. I realized just how fleeting this time of our lives is if we look at the big picture. This season will pass. All of this will pass. Nothing lasts forever, only Allah.

But just like that daffodil needs water, sunlight and even more so time, to grow, spring will grow into summer in its due time. 

I never really had a favorite season: winter, spring, summer, autumn. I loved aspects of every season: the blossoming trees in spring, the summer sun, the beautiful foliage in fall and the crisping snow beneath my shoes in winter. So I decided to love every season in this life too. This season is not an easy one, but I decided to marvel in its beauty instead. Being able to be so close to my son in this season of his life is truly a gift. I cherish every moment as I know now this season will end one day. I know now that summer will be here all too soon...